Check out leaked
Star Wars: The Force Awakensconcept art! Or is it?
If you've followed my blog for a while you know I always feature the hottest concept art out there. So, you may have wondered why I haven't shared much concept art from
Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There's a simple reason: I think they're fake. Not all of them, of course, a few have proven to be reliable like the Stormtrooper helmet and speeder but most are obviously not from the movie. The Internet is full of dozens of images that claim to be from the film. Whole websites have built their reputation on leaking a suspiciously large amount of concept art.

The main reason I think most are fake is because of the intense secrecy while filming. There's no way this many pictures are leaking from the film. Mark Hamill said "You know, the security on it is just crazy. I'm surprised I can even admit I'm in it! ...I like being surprised. It's a whole different era now. When we made the original films, you had the odd reporter hanging around the studio bribing people to give them stories. Now, I said to them, 'Do I really have to wear this robe and this hood that covers my entire head to go from the trailer to the soundstage?' They said, 'Yeah, there's drones.' Seriously! There's drones flying over the studio trying to get pictures of whatever they can get pictures of."
Everyone that visits the set has to put a
security stickerover the lens of their devices that can't be removed and reapplied. Disney has pushed the boundaries of nondisclosure agreements and even tried to purchase
anti-drone technologyafter a set picture of the Millennium Falcon went viral. They even got Britain to establish no-fly zones around their shooting locations. Besides all that, they have the power of high-priced lawyers at their disposal. "The nondisclosure agreements these people have to sign have created a culture of terror," says Chris Taylor, author of
How Star Wars Conquered the Universe. That's right. Only a fool would leak anything from the production and professional concept artists aren't fools. They'd never intentionally let their
Star Wars work go into the public domain. When I asked an artist, who is officially attached to the production, if the Stormtrooer helmet art is real only said they "can't confirm or deny anything to do with the new Star Wars films or they'll send the Stormtroopers after me."
I've debunked many pieces of "leaked" concept art before like
Man of Steel. I even wrote a whole post on
how to spot a fake. Which is why I'm holding judgement on sharing artwork until I can verify it. Until Lucasfilm releases the artwork or the artist identified themselves I'm holding back. The only exception is if the concept art shows something that someone could not have known about like the design of the Stormtrooper helmet or Rey's speeder. I do recognize the signatures in some of the artwork, but those could be faked pretty easily.
I recognize that a picture of artwork from the film is worth tens of thousands of dollars, but there's no way this many are getting out. Most are wonderful illustrations that fans create and are then mistakenly (or intentionally) associated with the movie.
Here are some examples of obvious fakes that are popular,
A perfect example is this concept art of X-Wing fighter which many blogs like
Comic Book Movie,
Blastr and other sites picked up and analyzed.
Yahoo tracked down the artist,
Robert Bailey, and proved its nothing but wonderfully done fan art. While Bailey does work for Lucasfilm, and George Lucas himself enjoys his work, it has nothing to do with the movie. “These are definitely not concept drawings from the next ‘Star Wars’ movie,” Bailey told Yahoo. “They are based upon the ‘Star Wars’ trailer, which as you know is in the public arena. I can fully understand how these rumours start, and that fans are very excited about the upcoming film. But Lucasfilm would not allow the release of concept fames at this time.” He could be lying, but he'd be a moron for posting these on Facebook in the first place. He'd be sued within an inch of his life.
So, while all the artwork is wonderful, be careful the next time you come across hot, new "leaked" concept art. You might get burned.
Click on the links if you want to see more
Star Wars: The Force Awakens artworkon my blog.
What do you think of the concept art? Do you think most of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens artwork is real or fake? Official Star Wars VII SummaryStar Wars: Episode VII will be directed by J.J. Abrams (Super 8, Mission: Impossible III, Star Trek) and is being scripted by Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan (Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi). Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, and Bryan Burk are producing, with Tommy Harper (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, Jack Ryan, Star Trek Into Darkness) and Jason McGatlin (Tintin, War of the Worlds) serving as executive producers. John Williams is returning to score Star Wars: Episode VII..
Directed by J.J. Abrams
Cinematography by Daniel Mindel
Production Design by Rick Carter and Darren Gilford
Starring: John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Lupita Nyong'o, and Gwendoline Christie, with Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker
Release Dates: December 18, 2015 (USA)
Official Site:© Copyright 2015 Lucasfilm, Bad Robot. All rights reservedRelated Posts